Best Cloud Gaming resources to follow in 2023

We're thrilled that the cloud gaming is getting more and more traction, and a huge part of this achievement goes out to our relentless community of creators who are updating you on the latest news, testing out services for you, and being the first ones to try out betas.

This list will include only Youtube channels, subreddits, and other relevant resources that have a cloud gaming in their primary focus. Therefore, this list won't include various tech/computing channels that sometimes have content related to cloud gaming, and those have to be only in English.

Here is a complete list of our best resources to follow, with the description down below.

Youtube channels:

  1. Cloud gaming Battle
  2. Cloud Gaming Xtreme
  3. Virtual Cloud
  4. Happy Cloud Gamer
  5. Vet Cloud Gaming
  6. Sunny Cloud Gaming

Forums & Blogs:

  1. Cloudygamer
  2. CloudGaming
  3. Clastr Blog (this one ;)
  4. Cloud Gaming Battle
  5. Cloud Dosage
  6. Clastr Cloud Gaming Discord

Tech magazines:

  1. The business of esports
  2. Cloudwars
  3. Gamesindustry

Youtube channel Cloud gaming Battle and Cloud Gaming Battle Blog are one of the best resources to watch for in cloud gaming. They post almost daily, and have the extensive reviews of cloud gaming services. Here you can find many useful information if you are considering cloud gaming, but you have doubts about which cloud gaming platform is the right one for you. If you are into cloud gaming, this resource might be very valuable for you to follow.

Cloud Gaming Xtreme brings you latest cloud gaming news, game reviews & gameplays. On top of that, Xtreme crew is frequently doing AMA's and podcasts where they include their viewers/commentators. This way you can ask questions and get the real-time answers, with almost no latency ;)

Virtual Cloud is one more youtube channel worth following in cloud gaming space. Focus of this channel is news & updates on popular services. Virtual cloud is posting frequently, so you can expect having new videos coming every couple of days.

Happy Cloud Gamer is one of the upcoming channels. Currently has a smaller number of followers than it's competitors, but it's still worth following. His style of videos allows you to connect with him as a person, since it is one of the rare channels that show creator's face.

Vet Cloud Gaming is another channel, mostly live streaming on cloud gaming platforms. If you want to experience streaming quality real-time, and have fun watching a stream of Horizon, Fortnite, Assassins Creed, Red Dead Redemption II, and other AAA titles.

Cloud Dosage is the place where you can find out new game releases, news about games, services and cloud gaming community. Overall it's a great read for anyone interested in the upcoming news in cloud gaming.

Cloud Dosage Website

Sunny Cloud Gaming is yet another youtube channel with a purpose of promoting cloud gaming, mainly focused on Google Stadia (rip). That being said, it will be interesting to see in which direction the creator will go, after the Stadia shuts down at the beginning of 2023. Nevertheless, the quality of this channel is surprisingly good, with great commentary, edits & reviews.

Cloudygamer subreddit is probably the best place to ask questions about any issues you have about any of the services you use. The community is fast with responses, and generally very supportive. However, due to repeating questions, it would be best for you to use the search function prior to asking a question or posting.

In Clastr Discord you can ask any questions you might have about the Clastr Cloud Gaming service. If you have any problems with the service, or you want to ask us a question - this is the place where you will get the fastest response. We're currently in the closed beta, with our Demo version available for you to use. The demo version is a great choice for having a remote access to your machine, via the browser.