Clastr Beta just got a big update, and here is what you need to know about it.

For the recent couple of months, we have been working hard to bring you the best possible gaming experience we can, and some changes we made to Clastr will improve your experience significantly.

1. Improved latency

Latency is the most important factor when it comes to cloud gaming. If everything else is great, but latency is bad - you are going to have a hard time playing on cloud gaming services. This is why improving latency was one of the biggest priorities for us in the recent couple of months.

From when we launched the service, the latency has been improved significantly, and depending on your network and decoding hardware, it is 30-50% better than we we launched the first version of the Clastr Beta.

We're continuing to optimize our streaming, with a focus of bringing the latency even further down. The optimal settings for you to achieve the best latency varies, but our recommendation for your starting settings are:
Full HD (1920x1080); Hardware encoding; Bitrate of 20-35mbps.

2. First cloud gaming platform to be able to run Valorant

You can now play Valorant on Clastr with your mouse and keyboard. More on that will be written in the next blog post. If you want to try out playing Valorant on Clastr, simply create an account, purchase the hours to play it, and go!

Valorant on Clastr

3. Improved security

One of the reasons for launching a beta product early is to find ways to break it. Fix it, break it again, and repeat for number of times until you get the result you want. Our security has improven significantly over time, and it will remain one of key factors for us to focus on in the future.

4. Improving stability & scalability

Stability and scalability are key factos when it comes to being consistent in providing cloud gaming services, and we have made efforts to improve Clastr and make it accessible to a broader range of people. This is an ongoing work.

5. New servers & potential partnerships

New server locations are being added as we speak. We are also working on potential strategic partnerships that would help us scale Clastr to a broader range of gamers. We're continuing towards of our goal of democratizing and decentralizing the gaming, and offering a new way for people to use their idle PC hardware to make money, and also give gamers new opportunities with servers closer to them, resulting in better latency and gameplay quality.

"High quality professional photograph of a PC in the neon lit room, with a game being displayed on the gaming monitor. High quality details." - OpenAI

6. Future development

We are preparing some news for the future of Clastr cloud gaming & video streaming technology. Join our Discord to stay tuned, you might want to take a peak ;)